Archive for the ‘Postcolonial’ Tag

Danger Parabolique, Boulevard Krim Belkacem, Algiers

Samples of Zineddine Bessaï’s Work

The Handmade Notebooks (6) of the Graphic Designer, Zineddine Bessaï, aka T. Kharbishine

The Handmade Notebooks (5) of the Graphic Designer, Zineddine Bessaï, aka T. Kharbishine

Defaced, Rue Didouche Mourad, Algiers

Terminal Interzone, Marseille – Algiers, 20 June 2010

Streets on Fire, After Algeria Draw 0-0 with England, Le Vieux Port, Marseille, 18 June 2010

Following an uninspiring match lacking flair and imagination, Algerian fans take to the streets of Marseille. Heaven only knows what would have ensued if the Algerian team had actually won. I might find out in Algiers, when they meet the U. S. A. The team has apparently been preparing for these clashes with imperialist powers by watching The Battle of Algiers (1966).

Place La Courneuve – 8 Mai 1945, Paris, 12 June 2010

Pont de Neuilly, Paris, 12 June 2010

One of the sites of police violence on the night of 17 Oct 1961.